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Lawyer Burt True | Call 888-878-8783

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Talk to me, I’m lawyer Burt True. I will answer the phone and your questions. My law firm helps injured people recover money for their injuries. I focus on car and truck wrecks, serious personal-injury and death cases.

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Angela C Rodriguez of Dodge City, Kansas was injured on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 8:10 AM in Gray County, Kansas. Rodriguez is a 59-year-old woman.

The crash happened here: U56 milepost 84 or .5 mile northeast of Copeland

In the crash, Rodriguez was a driver. The police described the crash like this:

Vehicle 1 was westbound on U56, vehicle 2 was eastbound on U56 at milepost 84. Vehicle 1 loses control due to slush on the roadway. Vehicle 2 impacted the passenger side of vehicle 1 in the eastbound lane. Vehicle 1 came to rest in the south ditch. Vehicle 2 came to rest in the eastbound lane.


Angela C Rodriguez’s injuries were fatal injury. Rodriguez was taken by Not Mentioned to Mortuary, St. Catherine’s.

Vehicle Damage

Rodriguez was in vehicle #1, a 2021 Kia Sportage. Rodriguez was a driver. Regarding removal of the vehicle, the police said it was towed by Perfection Auto .

How to Get the Police Report

The Kansas Highway Patrol assigned report number 2023-013903 to this crash. The highway patrol trooper with badge number K270 wrote up the report. The Kansas Highway Patrol charges $5.00 for each copy of the report plus additional fees of $2.00 for each witness statement. In order to get the report through the KSHP website , you must create a account and give them your credit card number. You must agree to be subject to Kansas Statute 45-230: Unlawful Use of Names Derived from Public Records. This statute imposes on those subject to it “a civil penalty in an action brought by the attorney general or county or district attorney” of up to “$500 for each violation.” Further, unless you qualify under the Federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act, the report you get will have important and necessary information such as photographs, social security numbers, driver license numbers, names, addresses and telephone numbers redacted (blacked out). But you can call or text 888-878-8783 to request a free copy of the police report.

The Kansas Highway Patrol will no longer provide online crash log information for this crash after 14 days. Call Lawyer Burt True at 888-878-8783 to request a free copy of the full police report. The information in this article came from the Kansas Highway Patrol website .

Insurance Claim

Angela C Rodriguez may have an insurance claim for injuries. The police said the insurance company was Farm Bureau. A lawyer will maximize the amount collected from the insurance company. In most cases, injured people can recover money for their medical bills, lost wages, and for their pain and suffering—even if a family member was driving. Getting a lawyer working on this case early will allow Rodriguez to receive advice about preserving and gathering evidence and the value of the claim, which will help with the recovery. For more information call or text Lawyer Burt True at 888-878-8783 .

Talk to lawyer Burt True

Call 888-878-8783 . Lawyer Burt True will answer the phone and your questions. What do you have to lose?


This law office only provides free police reports for individuals injured in crashes or the family members of those killed in crashes. This law office does not provide police reports for lawyers, insurance companies, governments, or companies.
Lawyer Burt True

Lawyer Burt True

Burt True is licensed to practice law in Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri. He is a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar. Burt has 31 years of experience. You can hire him online. That way he can start immediately preserving the evidence in your case. Burt will answer the phone. Call or text 888-878-8783 .

The True Law Office, LLC

The True Law Office, LLC, helps injured people recover money for their injuries. Burt and his assistants focus on serious personal injury and wrongful death cases.

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