Lawyer Burt True | Call 888-878-8783

Everything you say can and will be used against you.

If you’ve ever called an auto insurance company, you’ve likely heard the familiar phrase, “Your call may be recorded.” In reality, these calls are almost always recorded. But what many people don’t realize is that these recordings are not just for quality assurance—they’re being analyzed by sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) systems designed to find reasons to deny your claims.

The Hidden AI in Insurance Calls

Auto insurance companies use advanced AI to scrutinize every word you say during recorded calls. This technology isn’t just passively listening; it’s actively searching for any discrepancies, inconsistencies, or statements that could be used to deny your claim. For instance, if you unintentionally admit fault or provide details that can be twisted to imply negligence, the AI will flag these moments. The insurance company’s software will then instruct the insurance adjuster to deny your claim or reduce their offer. Once this is done, there is nothing you can do to reverse the computer’s decision.

The Role of Insurance Adjusters

Ask yourself, “Why is this multibillion dollar insurance company contacting me to get information that they undoubtedly already have?”

Insurance adjusters are trained professionals who understand the ins and outs of insurance policies and claims processes. However, their primary goal is to protect the interests of the insurance company. They are skilled in asking questions and steering conversations in ways that can elicit responses harmful to your claim. Every seemingly innocent question could be a trap, and every answer you provide could be another tool for the insurance company’s lawyers to use against you.

Lawyer Burt True says: When you hear “Your call may be recorded,” you should hang up right then and call me instead at 888-878-8783 . Upgrade to something better than AI: Human Intelligence. It is what AI aspires to be. With more than 30 years of experience in personal injury and wrongful-death cases, my HI will work for you. No upfront fees; I get paid only if you win. One wrong word can cost you your claim—hiring a lawyer saves money! Lawyer Burt True

Protect Yourself: Hire a Lawyer

Given the sophisticated tactics used by auto insurance companies, it’s crucial to have a lawyer on your side. An experienced attorney can:

  • Advise You on Communication: Ensure you know what to say and what to avoid during conversations with your insurance company.
  • Handle Communications: Speak directly with the insurance company on your behalf, preventing you from making inadvertent statements.
  • Analyze Your Case: Identify potential weaknesses in your claim that the insurance company might exploit.
  • Negotiate Effectively: Leverage their expertise to negotiate a fair settlement.

Without legal assistance, you risk providing the insurance company with the very information they need to deny your claim. By hiring a lawyer, you protect yourself from these sophisticated tactics and increase your chances of a successful claim.


The phrase “Your call may be recorded” is more than just a routine notification—it’s a warning that your words are being analyzed by AI to find reasons to deny your claim. With insurance adjusters trained to extract potentially damaging information, having a lawyer to guide you through the process is not just beneficial, it’s essential. Don’t face the insurance company’s AI and legal team alone; ensure you have professional legal representation to protect your rights and interests.

Lawyer Burt True | Call 888-878-8783

Note: This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Consult with a qualified attorney for advice regarding your specific situation.